The cause of "stoner" brain

Here is an article explaining how memories are encoded through sleep from the “rippling” effect that daily events have in our internal memory bank. Due to this process happening in the hippocampus the effect that cannabinoids impart is the dampening of these ripples potentially causing the brain to be less successful at internalizing memories as well as, cognitive function.


How is cognitive function measured. Who decides what the brain should retain.


Ask the science hippies lol, it’s the same thing essentially about consciousness but at least Roger Penrose is giving it the good Ole college try. But it probably just is based on averages over a group of people that most likely aren’t the best subjects to be used.


Ok, i thought this was going to be about how people gush over some seeds being great because the breeder grows plants with love or some other ridiculous trope.

I don’t think it hits everyone the same. some folks don’t have a lot of capacity to spare, and some do. i know a few guys that don’t even seem to get high despite smoking a load, but I would have to say most of those folks are pretty intelligent at the baseline. my least intellectual friends (type B bros) seem to be impacted by getting high the most. I knew this really smart and educated retired banker who hadn’t smoked since Vietnam. We smoked a primo bag of sensi star while drinking and he didn’t even get high. He was up by 6am and started mopping the floor. weird.


Not sleeping is way worse for your memory than weed.


Most brain malfunctions are due to dehydration. Drink more water people!

If you burp after drinking a glass of water it means you need to drink another glass.
Keep drinking until you stop burping, then you’re sufficiently hydrated.
It also helps flush the toxins from the body, which also cause most diseases.

Oxygen and water are the two most important aspects of health.

AUM humming, conscious deep breathing, yoga, and excercise help oxygenate the body, and the increased blood circulation and sweating help get the toxins out.

Cancer cells thrive in oxygen starved environment so there you go, breathe deeply and drink water!


So the article is saying it affects the dream cycle during your sleep? That makes sense.

I’m a heavy daily smoker but when I take breaks I will have the most absurdly intense and vivid dreams.


Yes weed definitely effects your body’s ability to go through the necessary rem cycles compared to not smoking and that is the reason why most have really fucked and vivid dreams when coming off of weed. But as far as the article goes my very limited understanding of what’s going is that due to the cannabinoids effects of the hippocampus through the endocannabiniod system the brain’s ability to register and “catalog” events is diminished by dampening the chemical signaling of the ripples that the brain stores then reviews while the body is sleeping and internalizes certain ripple patterns. But I’m probably not understanding it all they way but anyone does I would love to hear an elaboration on how I’m not understanding as well as, what is actually happening.


Who said that?? Who are you?? Don’t think we’ve met before. :rofl:
I agree though lack of sleep fucks your head up more than cannabis does. :v:

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This is my go to response to nose looking down non smokers:

“Do you think that I’m stupid?”

“It’s true that a disproportionately large number of stupid people smoke weed but weed doesn’t make you stupid.”


Ermmmmm… :rofl:
I think your a legend that keeps me on my toes with your whit and comments. Keep doing your thing brother. I look forward to what your brain will come up with next. You noticed my replies take longer these days?? :rofl: your winning at the moment.

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Foreigner: victorious.

Really it grinds my gears because the people who make these objections are usually 6 glasses of wine in.

“Stoners are lazy and stupid.”

“Well, I’ll grant you lazy but I’ll go toe to toe with you on the other one every day of the week until you die of exhaustion.”


So we’re now having a who’s the most stupid competition?? I concede and you win. I’m what they call a “good” loser for once :+1::v:
EsRgood4u: victorious

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It feels good to be victorious.


It certainly does buddy. Thanks for allowing me the victory.
I’m going to bed happy now. :blush:




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Drink it in , satiate your self . Now rest on your laurels


Someone posted a dream study here I think about how dreams we remember happen in a “less deep” phase of rem. Daily users upon stopping don’t reach deeper levels of sleep so we float around in a shallow vivid dream world, where dreams are remembered more easily. And we wake up tired.

It’s not that you don’t dream when you’re high, you’re just alot further away, kind of.

I might be fucking this up tho so fact check me lol


That might be the case but I always attributed it to the opposite where when you stop smoking it’s a wombo combo of your body adjusting to the chemical change and also going into deeper levels of sleep while getting blasted by dmt lol.


An interesting theory. But there are a few questions and things that I don’t understand. When I was substitute teaching, there was a lectern in a class I was working that had a cartoon that explains a lot. It’s a kid asking the teacher, “Can i go home Ms. Brown, my brain is full.” I think that’s just as real as funny. How much can the brain hold to comprehend? How many “waves” can roll through the brain before they wash out what was before? Typically seniors in later years remember their earlier memories than recents. Maybe that’s because those older memories made deeper impressions and had more time and space to be reinforced where today, we’re moving much faster. Inputs bombard with information, ads, bills, ideas, changes - attention spans being shortened creating underlying stress seeking quick answers needing no explanation, just make some sort of any sense and off we go! - So what to do? Somehow, slow down so you have your time to stop and think. And I mean think, not just reinforce what you really don’t understand, not really looking so much for answers as understanding knowing you might only get a piece of it. But if you can be honest with yourself and able to discus with others willing to hear and give honestly, there exists the possibility of understanding on whatever level, knowing it just continues and it all begins to make sense. Now you’re working on it. Good luck! I hope you make the world and all in it, including us, that bit better. Peace please.